Camilla Parker-Bowles Reacts to Kate Middleton Pregnant News - Terrified Queen Elizabeth Will Bypass Prince Charles as King

Kate Middleton is officially pregnant with her second baby, but not everyone’s happy with that news. Although Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry, Prince Charles, Prince William, and Kate’s family are all delighted and ecstatic over the news of Kate’s second pregnancy, Camilla Parker-Bowles isn’t too pleased. Queen Elizabeth has long being threatening to bypass hapless Prince Charles and make Prince William the next King. Now that Kate Middleton is well on her way to giving birth to the spare to the heir Camilla Parker-Bowles is terrified that her chances of becoming Queen have disappeared.

Does it surprise anyone that she’s not as happy as everyone else in the royal family? They’re all getting another addition to their family, but for Camilla, it’s yet another obstacle to the throne. She’s been waiting decades for the chance to see Charles up on that throne, and to get to be Queen by default. But with Kate’s pregnancy and the impending birth of the ‘spare’, there’s always that chance that Queen Elizabeth bypasses Charles as king and gives the throne to Prince William [and Kate Middleton] instead.

Sure, the chances of this happening are definitely low – BUT still not impossible. Charles isn’t that young, and Will and Kate now have TWO kids that could take the throne after them. If we’re looking at the long-term benefits of giving the throne to Kate and Will, the positives actually outweigh the negatives.

And that is precisely Camilla’s worry in this situation. Watch, we’ll probably get every member of the royal family commenting on Kate’s pregnancy – except Camilla. Instead, she’ll sit mum and pretend as though she’s super excited for Kate and the rest of the family, but she’ll instead be seething that yet another royal baby has come to steal away the Queen’s affections and attentions.

Anyway, we have a while to go before we actually get to see the spare. Kate’s only in her first trimester of pregnancy, and we’ll see the way Camilla reacts to the news in public – it’s bound to tell us a lot more than some written statement from Clarence House.

Camilla Parker-Bowles, Prince William Photo Credit: FameFlynet
