•Agreeing in quantity, size, quality, degree, value, etc.; having the same magnitude, the same value, the same degree, etc.; -- applied to number, degree, quantity, and intensity, and to any subject which admits of them; neither inferior nor superior, greater nor less, better nor worse; corresponding; alike; as, equal quantities of land, water, etc. ; houses of equal size; persons of equal stature or talents; commodities of equal value.•Bearing a suitable relation; of just proportion; having competent power, abilities, or means; adequate; as, he is not equal to the task.•Not variable; equable; uniform; even; as, an equal movement.•Evenly balanced; not unduly inclining to either side; characterized by fairness; unbiased; impartial; equitable; just.•Of the same interest or concern; indifferent.•Intended for voices of one kind only, either all male or all female; -- opposed to mixed.•Exactly agreeing with respect to quantity.•One not inferior or superior to another; one having the same or a similar age, rank, station, office, talents, strength, or other quality or condition; an equal quantity or number; as, "If equals be taken from equals the remainders are equal."•State of being equal; equality.•To be or become equal to; to have the same quantity, the same value, the same degree or rank, or the like, with; to be commen/urate with.•To make equal return to; to recompense fully.•To make equal or equal to; to equalize; hence, to compare or regard as equals; to put on equality.
