This old Lego advert was doing the rounds on Facebook recently. Showing a little girl in trainers, jeans and a stripy blue T-shirt, holding a Lego creation, the strapline read ‘What it is is beautiful’. This was from the early eighties, before Lego started marketing almost exclusively to boys.

Now in 2013, the Lego ‘Friends’ range, aimed squarely at little girls and branded in pink and purple, offers today’s new female generation the chance to build cafés, a pet salon or an outdoor stage for five bobble-headed glamorous Lego girlfriends. It’s just one example of the ‘pinkification’ of girlhood that is now omnipresent.

The Lego Friends website this week

Since I grew up in the 1980s, things have changed dramatically – for the worse. We may have played with Sindy dolls but Sindy didn’t live in Heartlake City, where the top attraction was its ‘great shopping’ (thanks again, Lego Friends). Now, my 2 ½ year old daughter is growing up in a culture where gender stereotyping, signified by the colour pink, has infected her life from every stage.

Like many mothers of daughters, I originally looked on such girlie marketing dismissively – I wouldn’t be "giving in" to this. I already had a son, who as a toddler had happily played with tea sets as well as trains. But as my daughter grew, through advertising, TV programmes, presents and stories with a ‘princess’ message, the insidious pinkification did its worst, and now she is fixated on the colour.

Her girls’ night-time pull-up pants are only available in pink, illustrated with Disney princesses. All her toy babies have pink babygros and sleep-in pink canopy beds. Little girls’ clothes in supermarkets and high-street retailers are a sea of pink. The ‘Phoebe’ plate and bowl set she eats from is rimmed with pink hearts. She is called ‘princess’ and given pink stickers by the dentist. TV adverts aimed at her show little girls wearing pink, sparkly shoes that come with a ‘free’ lipgloss set.

Pink Princesses

Other mums tell the same story. A fellow journalist, Karen Attwood, says her nearly-three year-old daughter Yasmin was given loads of pink gifts while undergoing leukaemia treatment. "She was bought loads of pink princess stuff, and one nurse even bought her a pair of pink high-heeled shoes," she says.

Elsewhere, craft and clothing designer Karen Dunn’s four-year-old daughter Evie refuses to play with standard Lego, insisting she can only use the Lego Friends range as "that’s the girls’ one". Full-time mum Juliette Cheung’s daughter, four-year-old Mariette, is "completely obsessed with pink. I asked her this morning why it is her favourite colour. She listed Disney princesses, hair bands, kids magazines and pretty clothes".

So why does it matter? What harm can it actually be doing? Actually, quite a lot. Dr Laura Nelson is a happiness and success coach and gender stereotype expert. After a PhD in neuroscience, she investigated whether there were “natural” behavioural differences between men and women. "What I found was that there is no conclusive evidence that this is the case; rather, what is more powerful is the way we use and therefore shape our brains as we grow up and the social pressures of gender stereotypes," she explains.

So when she walked into London toy shop Hamleys in 2011 and found the toys were segregated into 'boys’ and ‘girls’ interest, "it symbolised all that I had been researching about – the perfect example of how we condition our children from a young age about how they should feel about themselves because of their gender".

Hamleys: Before (left) and after Laura's complaint

Her subsequent successful campaign to remove the labelling triggered a media sensation, and shone a light on the damaging messages perpetrated by the pink culture. "The risks of a constant bombardment of stereotyped messages are that children come to believe these messages about themselves," explains Dr Nelson. "For example, girls may assume they are expected to do all the emotional work in relationships, that they must look pretty and they are less capable of taking risks and leadership roles."

And to those who declare that "little girls just like pink", Dr Nelson asks why. "Gender conditioning starts at a very young age, so it’s no surprise that if from birth girls are encouraged by peers, relatives and the outside world to be 'girlie' and castigated if they are not, that they end up preferring pink," she says.

I'm concerned the pink message will affect my daughter. I don’t want her to think she is ‘supposed’ to be interested in jewellery, clothes and shopping if she doesn’t want to be. As pressure group PinkStinks explains: "Pink and its many facets currently represents an overarching social concept of 'girl' that is strongly limiting, reinforces stereotypes and has further ramifications."

The pink message is 'terrifying'

Karen Attwood agrees: "Little girls are forced to identify with pink, which is then plastered all over ‘girls toys’, which are things like dress-up, make-up, all about being beautiful. There’s nothing about being strong, independent or clever. It’s terrifying."

In an attempt to stem the pink tide I’ve been driven to desperate, even comical measures. My mum and I smuggled away the frilly pink doll’s canopy bed, and I’ve hidden the plastic pink cutlery to ‘force’ my daughter to use differently coloured ones. I’ve started buying the boys’ pull-up pants (blue, covered with Lightning McQueen) for her, too. It might seem ridiculous but I want her to make her own choices about what she likes, who she is and what she wants to be.

There’s promising signs, however, that the gender stereotyping of toys could be on its way out. Thanks to the galvanising effect of LetToysBeToys – an online pressure group who are targeting children’s toy retailers – and the power of social media, companies are feeling the pressure to remove any sexism from the shelves.

A Twitter and Facebook campaign recently targeted Boots for labelling their Science Museum toys as ‘for boys’, and the retailer responded by removing the signs. Tesco has followed suit by admitting that describing a chemistry set as ‘for boys’ was incorrect.

Marks & Spencer have also been targeted over their

gender-specific toy ranges

and have now decided to "change the labelling" before Christmas. And Disney are currently dealing with a backlash after ‘sexing up’ Merida, the feisty heroine of ‘Brave’, (pictured here pre-makeover) making her slimmer, bustier and removing her bow and arrow as she officially becomes a Disney Princess.

But it won’t remove the pink plague entirely. And as I debate throwing the remote at the TV screen when yet another shrill Lelli Kelly advert comes on, all I can do is hope that the example I set my daughter shows that there is another way. And it doesn’t involve covering everything in pink glitter.
