One Piece has one of the world's most lively and active fandoms. As a result, the fandom community creates a tonne of content every day, including memes, illustrations, and other forms of media. However, what if the creator himself created the content this time rather than a fan?

This is what happened recently when a user on X (formerly Twitter) shared Eiichiro Oda's illustration in which Oda had transformed Chopper into Snoop Dogg. Fans of the series were taken aback because they didn't believe that the creator had done the illustration himself, and many thought that this was the work of a fan.

Chopper is a doctor of Straw Hat Pirates and is one of the oldest members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Additionally, Chopper is a reindeer who consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, a Devil Fruit that enables its user to change into a human or a human hybrid at will.

Fans surprised as One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda draws Chopper as Snoop Dogg

A user with the handle @Pastaerects shared a post on X (formerly Twitter) on August 21, 2023. The post featured an illustration of Chopper, but the character had been changed to look like Snoop Dogg. Eiichiro Oda himself created the illustration, and as the post spread, fans all over the internet were surprised and happy.

The illustration depicted Snoop Dogg wearing Chopper's large pale red and pink fuzzy top hat with a crossed medical instrument positioned diagonally. Furthermore, in the illustration, Snoop Dogg was seen wearing the same colored suit and holding a cigarette in one hand.

Chopper was first introduced in chapter 134 while sporting this recognizable hat, which was also his trademark before One Piece's pre-time skip. Hiriluk gave Chopper the hat after saving him and taking him in as a surrogate son. Not only that, but if fans look closely, they will notice that the hat contains a cross symbol, which could represent both his profession as a doctor and as a pirate.

Chopper (Image via Toei Animation)

Since the post was shared, it has received over 2500 reposts and more than 29k likes. @Pastaerects on X also shared some other Eiichiro Oda-created non-One Piece illustrations in the comment section.

How did One Piece fans react?

As soon as Oda's non-One Piece illustration was shared, fans left numerous comments on the post. While many initially did not think that Oda had drawn the illustration, they later came to appreciate and comment on it more. One user even remarked that the illustration was among the top five Oda drawings. Meanwhile, another joked that Oda might make Snoop canon.

Another user stated that Snoop Dogg is just Trafalgar Law. But it wasn't just Law who made this comparison; some people even likened Snopp Dogg's illustration to Rob Lucci. Nevertheless, many fans remarked that they were surprised that Oda could draw and paint pictures so well. Not only that but fans also dubbed the illustration "Snoop Chopper."

Many fans find it hard to believe that Oda created the illustration, even though more comments are being made due to fans' unbridled excitement after seeing Oda's Snoop Dogg and Chopper illustration. However, some are praising the illustration and enjoying it while they can.

While fans wait for One Piece episode 1074, which is scheduled to air on September 3, 2023, fans can enjoy something new until then, thanks to Oda's Illustration.

Stay tuned for more One Piece and other anime and manga updates as 2023 progresses.

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