Hogwarts Legacy offers players the chance to experience the full Harry Potter universe, complete with attending Hogwarts, riding brooms, and exploring the magical world. However, one of the most highly anticipated features of the game is the ability to choose your own house. Just like in the books and movies, the Sorting Hat will evaluate your traits and assign you a house based on your personality.

The only major difference with the House sorting in Hogwarts Legacy is that you have the ability to reselect your house if you're not satisfied with the initial choice. The game presents certain questions, and your answers to them will influence the house you're sorted into, so you might be curious to know which houses have been the most and least selected since the game's release. Let's take a closer look at the popularity of each house.

Ranking the Houses in Hogwarts Legacy from most to least selected

1) House Slytherin (32.88%)

Slytherin Common Room (Image via WB Games)

One possible reason why many consider choosing House Slytherin during their playthrough is because they want to play as a dark wizard. Many witches and wizards in Slytherin's history have chosen a somewhat shady path.

According to multiple sources, Slytherin is the undisputed king of Hogwarts Legacy Houses. The House is named after Salazar Slytherin, one of the founding fathers of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

According to Harry Potter lore, Salazar Slytherin tasked the Sorting Hat with selecting students who possessed certain qualities that he valued most in the members of his house. These qualities included cunning, resourcefulness, leadership, and ambition.

2) House Gryffindor (30.32%)

Gryffindor Common Room (Image via WB Games)

Interestingly, Gryffindor isn't actually the most commonly selected house in Hogwarts Legacy. Nevertheless, it's still a hugely popular choice, and for a good reason. For starters, Harry Potter himself was sorted into Gryffindor, so it's no surprise that many fans of the series would choose to be in the same house as their hero.

Gryffindor was founded by the legendary wizard Godric Gryffindor, known for his bravery and heroism. He instructed the Sorting Hat to select students who possessed the traits he most valued, including courage, chivalry, and determination.

3) House Ravenclaw (23.23%)

Ravenclaw Common Room (Image via WB Games)

As of this February, Ravenclaw is still ranked third among the four Hogwarts Houses. However, it wouldn't be surprising if the House drops to the bottom of the list in the coming months. Unfortunately, for Ravenclaw fans, the House offers the least amount of quests in Hogwarts Legacy. To make matters worse, there aren't any House-exclusive quests in store for players either.

While this bums out a lot of Ravenclaw fans, there's still a bit of hope that Avalanche Software will release a DLC expansion pack in the future.

The Hogwarts House was founded by Rowena Ravenclaw, the smartest witch among the Hogwarts founders. Ravenclaw members are mostly composed of students who possess wisdom, wit, and intellect.

4) House Hufflepuff (13.57%)

Hufflepuff Common Room (Image via WB Games)

It's no surprise that House Hufflepuff is the least selected house in Hogwarts Legacy. However, it wouldn't be surprising to see a surge in popularity for the house. Players who select Hufflepuff will embark on a unique quest that takes them to the infamous Azkaban, a horrifying prison that can only be accessed by those representing this House.

Founded by the witch Helga Hufflepuff, this house values traits such as hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Students who are sorted into Hufflepuff are known for their gentle and kind nature, making them some of the most beloved members of the Hogwarts community.

Hogwarts Legacy is a game filled with action-packed quests in an open world. Given that each House has its own exclusive quests, some might play through the game multiple times just to find out what happens. The game is currently available on PS5, PC, and Xbox X|S.

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