Fusarium wilt is a soil-borne fungal disease that causes watermelon vines to turn yellow or brown as they shrivel up and die. Plants infected with the disease often wilt heavily on one side first. Fusarium wilt is a very serious disease that takes time to manage once it has infected the soil.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in view, what is killing my watermelon plants?Some common pests of watermelons that feed on foliage, causing plant to shrivel, include aphids and epilachna beetles. Aphids are tiny insects found on the underside of leaves that feed on plant sap with their piercing mouth parts. This feeding causes leaves to yellow, curl, pucker and eventually die.Also Know, how do you keep watermelon from rotting? Water Retention Provide watermelons with 1 to 1-1/2 inches of water each week during fruiting to help avoid blossom end rot. You can further protect your crop by applying a plastic mulch or 2 to 4 inches of organic mulch around the watermelon crown and under its leaves. Also to know, why are my watermelons not ripening? 2. Is there enough Phosphorus in the soil to help the watermelons ripen? (this may seem odd, but it the plants are getting too much Nitrogen and not enough Phosphorus the may flower, produce fruit, then put more energy into vegetative growth and not enough into fruit production and ripening.)Can you eat watermelon leaves?Watermelon leaves. Basically, nothing I can find says the watermelon plant is okay to eat. The meat of the fruit as well as the seeds and rinds are okay to eat.